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Moving into a new home should be an exciting and joyful experience, not a daunting task.

The reality, however, of navigating thru the chaos, disorganization, physical demands and emotional stress, can turn this milestone into an overwhelming experience.

STACHD provides the perfect solution with our color coded labels.

Each room in your house is assigned a distinct color, and the corresponding labels make it effortless to identify which room each box belongs to. No more guesswork when it comes to unpacking. With a quick glance you'll know exactly where each box should be placed.

Our QR code option takes moving organization to the next level. Each label contains a unique QR code that can be quickly scanned using our user-friendly mobile app which enables you to categorize and inventory box contents, saving precious time and ensuring quick retrieval of specific items.

With STACHD, you can say goodbye to the stress and chaos of moving. Our color-coded labels with QR code integration offer a comprehensive solution that simplifies the entire process, ensuring that your move is organized, efficient, and hassle-free.


Storage should be a seamless and stress-free experience, not a source of chaos and overwhelm. At STACHD, we provide the perfect solution for organized storage with our color-coded labels.

With our system, you can assign a unique color to each category or section of your storage space, making it easy to identify and locate specific items whenever you need them. Say goodbye to endless searching and guesswork, our color-coded labels bring order and clarity to your storage.

But we don't stop there, our QR code option takes storage organization to the next level. Each label features a unique QR code that can be easily scanned with our mobile app. By scanning the code, you can categorize and inventory box contents, saving you valuable time and ensuring quick retrieval of specific items.

With STACHD, you can bid farewell to the stress and frustration of disorganized storage. Our color- coded labels and QR code integration offer a comprehensive solution that simplifies the entire process, allowing you to enjoy an organized, efficient, and hassle-free storage experience.


Move it.

Store it.

Find it.